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NYC 2022
Action of Youths in Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship refers to the process of creating a new enterprise and bearing any of its risks, with the view of making a profit. The person who creates a new enterprise and embraces every challenge for its development and operation is known as an entrepreneur. According to the Asian Development Bank, Nepal has been estimated to grow at 2.3 percent in the last fiscal year 2020/21 which is below the earlier estimated forecast of 3.1 percent. The entrepreneurs of Nepal come across various challenges to start or move forward despite having innovative ideas. The current scenario of Nepal is extremely conducive for ‘Startups’ as compared to previous years. However, the major challenge that the emerging entrepreneurs face is the lack of proper entrepreneurial education and training, including the lack of knowledge of advanced technology. The challenge further adds to limited financing, less skilled employees, low returns, and inconvenient lending policy of banks.
The conference aims to make youths understand entrepreneurship and help them process their innovative ideas. The conference will also make them familiar with the market scenario of Nepal to encourage them to give a push to their innovative entrepreneurial ideas. With dynamic speakers in the relevant field, participants can connect with them on a personal level and start shaping their market ideas
Action of Youths for SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. These universal goals are adopted by all countries to promote prosperity while protecting the planet as well. These goals recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities while tackling climate change and environmental protection.
Sustainable development has been defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Nepal has constantly been advocating for the successful implementation of the SDGs. It requires the cooperation of the government, private sector, civil society, and citizens to achieve the goals of SDG. In Nepal, various organizations have been conducting different projects to achieve particular goals at all levels. NYC is also focused on achieving SDGs, especially SDGs 3, 4, 5 8, 13, and 16.
NYC understands the importance of the role of youths in achieving the SDGs. As youths are the backbone of a nation, it is immensely important for them to be oriented on these goals and their targets. Hence, the conference aims to educate youths on the importance, implementation, and outcomes of the SDGs. Most importantly, the conference aims to focus on educating youths about good health and wellbeing, quality education, gender equality, decent work and economic growth, climate action, peace, justice and strong institutions.
Action of Youths for Media and Digital Literacy

Media is known to be the most powerful source to spread knowledge, information and news from one part of the world to the other. Media educates the people to know about their basic rights and ways of using them. It is also a link between the government and people because all the policies and activities of the government are conveyed through the media.
In a democratic country like Nepal, the media plays a crucial role for all citizens aligning with their right to information. It provides people with the information to be better informed about the various national as well as international issues happening around. It provides criticism as well as initiates debate to ensure that that information is tested and examined from a different point of view. The media has a ubiquitous presence in the lives of contemporary youth. The portrayal of society by the media has shaped the perceptions of the youths to a greater extent rather than exploring themselves. And the information gathered from the media has not always been necessarily true. And it has become harder to segregate authentic information from propaganda and fake information Moreover, in this ever evolving world, having digital access to information as well as being literate digitally is more important than ever. So, concerning the need, NYC’s one of the themes is digital literacy. It means having the skills you need to live, learn, and work in a society where communication and access to information are increasing through digital technologies like internet platforms, social media, and digital devices. Since COVID pandemic, the world has become more digitized. So, digital literacy skills allow youths to find, use and create information online in a productive & useful way. Having an understanding of digital literacy means youths being able to use technology safely and being able to segregate truth from lies. The conference aims to make youths educated and understand their responsibility and input in the media sector, making them digitally literate.
Action of Youths for Ethical and Transparent Governance

Good governance is a broad concept that incorporates the role and interconnection of three different sectors: Government (state actors and institutions), Civil Society (civil alliances and non-governmental organizations), and the Private Sector (households and companies). It is believed that the proper function of governance in terms of political, economic, and administration can create sound development. Rule of Law, participation, public accountability and responsiveness, transparency, equity and inclusion, efficiency, and decentralization are key institutional frameworks for good governance. NYC understands the importance of the role of youths in understanding different principles of good governance, and steps for youths to follow. The conference aims to make youths aware of their accountability in the governance of Nepal and encourage them to strive for corruption-free governance.
Action for Youths in Civic Engagement & Election

Civic engagement or civic participation is any individual or group activity addressing issues of public concern. The involvement of youth in civic engagement projects in Nepal is seen increasing in recent years. It has shown the participation of youths in resolving the issues that have been doing injustices inside the community.
Similarly, in a multiparty democratic country like Nepal, the role of youths has significant importance in the election as well. With the approaching local, federal and provincial level election date, it is important for youths to understand the frameworks of the elections. The conference aims to make youths understand their role in the national and local elections. They will be able to know their rights regarding raising questions to the government regarding various injustices and issues that are rooted in the community. They will also understand the role of youth in free, fairer and credible elections. They will finally be able to understand different parameters of the election.